
3M launches new Verify app to help tackle counterfeit ...

The app helps validate a disposable respirator carton in real time by using advanced technology to identify a bar code and determine if a ...

3M Software Download Portal

3M Software Download Portal. SOFTWARE. Filter by: All Platforms, Desktop ... Mobile App for Configuring Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBA & Data Download. See Details.

Add a new launcher activity

2019年5月1日 — Android apps have multiple activities, but only one is the launcher. In this video, learn how to add a new launcher activity to an app.

Android™ Launcher

An Android™ launcher is the user interface that controls the home screen and app drawer on your Android™ device. It determines how your device looks, feels, ...

App Store 上由3M Company 開發的App

下載由3M Company 開發的App,包括「3M Verify」、「3M™ Brasil CTC VR」、「3M™净化專家」等。


3M 致力於整合並應用科學以改善更美好的生活。透過3M 官方旗艦店,您可購買app等各式3M 產品,透過3M 科技,在app領域、以多元的方式來改善你我的生活。

[APP][9.0+][DUDU Launcher Global]Free, beautiful and ...

2023年2月27日 — DUDU Launcher is a free, feature-packed Android launcher designed specifically for in-car entertainment systems. Its mission is to bring the ...

[APP][ANDROID TV] Projectivy Launcher

2022年4月25日 — Introduction Projectivy Launcher is a launcher dedicated to Android Tv, offering special features for Xiaomi family projectors/TVs.

在App Store 上的「3M優質生活」

3M 優質生活是一款免費應用。它可以與3M Filtrete家電管理系統服務器連接,用於信息通知和遙控具有WiFi功能的3M家用電器,及時提供環境品質的改善服務。


Theapphelpsvalidateadisposablerespiratorcartoninrealtimebyusingadvancedtechnologytoidentifyabarcodeanddetermineifa ...,3MSoftwareDownloadPortal.SOFTWARE.Filterby:AllPlatforms,Desktop...MobileAppforConfiguringAir-PakX3ProSCBA&DataDownload.SeeDetails.,2019年5月1日—Androidappshavemultipleactivities,butonlyoneisthelauncher.Inthisvideo,learnhowtoaddanewlauncheractivitytoanapp.,AnAndroid™launche...